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Order “The Power of One”

We live in a society that emphasizes being better and having more stuff, money, power, and responsibility. But when does more start to mean we have less? One could argue that more gets in our way when it gets in the way of us being effective as a person and as a leader. When that happens, we need to simplify and redefine who we are, where we are going, and how we are going to get there.

Don’t just settle in the chase for more. Counter the chaos with the commitment to a simple one-word leadership approach that will help you grow, be better and be a blessing to those around you.

In each chapter, I share a leadership writing wrapped around each of the sixteen leadership words and then weaves in personal stories and experiences from my 37 years as an educator, coach, and athletic director.

Each chapter includes reflection questions for the reader to think about in their leadership journey.

Golf All 50

This site is dedicated to my goal of playing at least nine holes in each state.