The Moment Is Now

I share this as an encouragement, not as a “look what I did”.  I share this to help you be on continuous lookout for moments you can step into. 

I was driving to Sioux Falls on Monday to get my laptop repaired, or get a new one, due to water damage from water getting inside of our condo in Okobiji.  (Turned out to be the latter).

A few days ago a friend had told me he had been diagnosed with cancer and would be meeting with his oncologist on Monday. 

I had sent him a message before telling him we would be praying for strength, peace, and wisdom for him. 

While I was driving on I-90 I got a message from him asking if I had any scripture passages that could be an encouragement to him. 

I remember thinking…well, I’m driving, have an appointment (which I always allow extra time), and it could probably wait another hour until I get there, and then I can respond.

Then, REST STOP 1 MILE.  There’s the opportunity and this is the moment I need to step into now.  He asked and needed the encouragement now.  I talk about the moments and stepping into them, and it was time to act on it. 

So, I pulled off into the rest area, parked, thought for a moment, and then remembered I was currently writing the chapter in “The Pursuit” on the Pursuit of Strength. 

Last week I wrote and used a scripture passage from Psalm 46:1-3.  I was able to pull up that writing and share it with him, and then continue on to Sioux Falls. 

Could it have waited an hour?  Probably.  But, did it have to?  No.  The rest area exit was the opportunity and I felt like the moment was right there and I had the choice to make, and needed to respond to that request right now. 

What’s the purpose of this?  Not for you to respond to me and say “good job”.  I write this to encourage you to step into the moments that come your way to be an encourager. 

Can the moment wait sometimes?  Maybe, but if it only takes a few minutes and you feel that it could be needed immediately, then do it.  Step into it now. 

Trust your heart. 
Trust the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  
It’s always the right choice. 

‭Be Blessed!

Published by toddagordon

Meet Todd Gordon, a seasoned educator, coach, and activities administrator who dedicated an impressive 37 years to shaping the lives of students within the realm of education.  His career has taken him on a remarkable journey through nine different school districts, ranging from the intimate setting of a small school to the dynamic landscape of a large, multi-high school urban district – truly everything in between. In 2022, Todd embarked on a new chapter, retiring from his illustrious career in education. However, retirement did not signal an end to his passion for making a positive impact in the realm of sports and activities.  Todd joined BOUND, a leading sports software company, where he continues to contribute his wealth of experience and knowledge to support activity administrators and coaches. Beyond the professional arena, Todd’s personal life is a testament to dedication and enduring love.  Married to his wife, Deb, for an impressive 40 years, they have navigated life’s journey together.  Their family has grown to include three married children, each on their unique paths, and six delightful grandchildren who bring joy and laughter to their lives. Todd authored and published his first book, “The Power of One.  One Word Leadership”, in 2022.   His newest project is the “The Pursuit”, and it starts with new writings on a new page on this website.  Todd delves into the essence of your daily pursuit of excellence, offering insights on growth, resilience, and the power of redemption.  By weaving daily Scripture insights into our exploration, we bridge the timeless with the contemporary, inviting you to reflect on leadership principles grounded in spiritual wisdom.

One thought on “The Moment Is Now

  1. Indeed… the moments are passing quickly and it is vital that we use the moments that are given to us by God! May He bless you in some special way and… your friend! Your thots certainly do bless your ole dad and many more for sure. Love you, Todd! Have a great day!

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